Echinocereus coccineus ENGELMANN subsp. coccineus
WISLIZENUS. – Mem. Tour North. Mex.: 93 (1848)
Echinocereus coccineus, n. sp. globoso ovatus, 9-11 costatus, costis tuberculosis subinterruptis; areolis ovatis junioribus albo-tomentosis; aculeis radialibus 9-10 albidis, rectis, oblique porrectis, superioribus brevioribus; centralibus 1-3 longioribus albidis s. corneis; floribus lateralibus; tubo pulvillis 18-25 albo-tomentosis, setas tenues albidas 8-11 gerentibus stipato; sepalis interioribus 8-10 oblongo linearibus obtusis; petalis 10-12 obovatis obtusis; staminibus brevioribus; stigmatibus 6-8 virescentibus.
With the foregoing, also about Santa Fe.—Only 1.5 to 2 inches high, 1.25 to 1.5 inch in diameter; like most other species of this genus, either single or generally branching from the base and cespitose, sometimes forming clusters of‘ 10 to 15 heads. Spines terete all more or less erect, none appressed as in many other species; radiating ones 3 to 6, central ones 8 to 10 lines long. Flowers 1.5 to 1.75 inch long, and 1 to 1.5 wide when fully expanded ; bristles of tube 3 to 6 lines long; petals deep crimson 4 to 5 lines wide; filaments red, anthers red or yellow. The flowers resemble
much those of the last species, but the plant is very different.
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